Sunday, December 26, 2004

Los geht's

Gleich lautet es: flight LH778 boarding please! Dann geht's in das Flugzeug und ab nach Singapur. Nach 12 Stunden lande ich dann hoffentlich heil in Südost Asien! Wünsche allen einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!

Friday, December 24, 2004

Merry Christmas

Ich wünsche jedem frohe Weihnachten, und viel Erholung!

Merry Christams and happy holidays!

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Wordpress Plugin 'suggest'

This plugin enables a feature called "suggest". Whenever you type a character in the search field of your blog site, suggestions are being presented. You can select these suggestions and hit enter, to execute a search request.

For this plugin I used a javascript "library" of Google's Suggest Search. I modified it, to adjust style and functionality , so that it works with Wordpress. I tested it with Firefox 1.0 and IE 6.0 (SP1). Installation requires modification of index.php, which isn't nice. There are also problems with IE and the suggests aren't perfect either.

If you have any suggestions or requests, just post them here!

GTA 2 gratis

Rockstar Games hat den Actionspiel-Klassiker Grand Theft Auto 2 (GTA 2)
als vorgezogenes Weihnachtsgeschenk in der Windows-Version zum freien
Download zur Verfügung gestellt.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Das große Packen

In knapp 5 Tagen geht's auf nach Singapur. Ich freu mich natürlich drauf....allerdings kann gerne jemand vorbei kommen und für mich packen! :-)

Monday, December 20, 2004

Direct Web Remoting

Direct Web Remoting enables you to call Java code via JavaScript. I haven't tested it myself, but it sounds interesting!

Sunday, December 19, 2004 feed

Mit dem news-feed von ist ein weiterer feed zum Thema Java auf hinzugekommen.

Distributed Messaging

The article starts with a very good introduction to messaging concepts and their advantages and disadvantages. It also compares messaging in centralized and distributed environments. Furthermore it shows how the open source project Manta Ray address the problems of messaging communication.

rating comment: Neat article, giving a good introduction to messaging concepts.


The idea itself is very simple. By using JavaScript, a web page can make requests to a web server and get responses in the background.
The user stays on the same page, and generally has no idea that script
running on the page might be requesting pages (using GET) or sending
data (using POST) off to a server behind the scenes.

URLs, URIs with Java

This article describes the differences between URLs and URIs, in respect of Java. It gives an overview how to use the two classes and when to use them. Furthermore it covers the complexity of communication with Proxies and HTTP servers, using Java.

rating comment: The explanations of URLs and URIs are very interesting and helpful, but the section about Proxies and HTTP communication is nothing new!

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Google Suggest Code Discussion

Chris Justus analyzed Googles Suggest JavaScript Code, very cool!!

Open Source Licenses

Article about open source licenses. It highlights what open source software is all about, with the OSI open source definition. Furthermore it gives an overview of different open source licenses, in the first place GNU Public License (GPL).

rating comment: Very interesting, with everyday examples!

Test your GUI

Testing a graphical user interface - GUI is expensive. You need a probe who knows what's going on behind the scenes, to evaluate the functionality of your GUI. To automate functionality tests you can use unit tests and the JUnit test framwork. To test the functionality of your GUI, you can use the jemmy framework together with JUnit.

I made a small example testing a simple GUI with jemmy and JUnit. It's available through blogtorrent and my download site.

Friday, December 17, 2004

Blog update

Nach langem "diffen" und "backupen" habe ich heute meinen Blog auf Wordpress 1.2.2 upgedatet. Ausserdem habe ich meinen Spamschutz ebenfalls mit einer neuen Version sollte nichts mehr schief gehen :-)

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Worpress 1.2.2

Seit gestern gibts Wordpress in der Version 1.2.2!

KEYBIRD Wireless Slim

Heute habe ich mir eine neue Tastatur gegönnt! KEYBIRD Wireless Slim, von Fujitsu-Siemens. Hat kein lästiges Kabel und sieht schick aus! Echt genial!


Brot für GEZ


Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Tuesday, December 14, 2004


Das religiöse Volksfest "Thaipusam", auch genannt das "Fest der Schmerzen", wird nicht nur in Indien gefeiert, sondern natürlich auch in Singapur. Da ich in weniger als 2 Wochen auch wieder in Singapur sein werden, fand ich diesen Artikel recht interessant!


Monday, December 13, 2004

Firefox burns!

In little more than a month, Firefox has been downloaded more than 10 million times.


Sunday, December 12, 2004

Imaginärer Vibrator Walzer?


Aspirin Plus C

Christkindles Markt + Badisch Brauhaus => Aspirin Plus C

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Friday, December 10, 2004

Google Suggest

Mit Google Suggest hat der Suchmaschinen-Betreiber einen neuen Dienst vorgestellt, der derzeit im offenen Beta-Test für jedermann zugänglich ist. Der Dienst soll die normale Web-Suche ergänzen und zeigt zu jeder Eingabe passende Suchbegriffe in Echtzeit in einem aufpoppenden Drop-Down-Bereich an. Damit will Google die Eingabe von Suchbegriffen sowie das Auffinden derselben erleichtern.

Thursday, December 9, 2004

SUN joins

Heute habe ich den rss feed von zu meiner News-Site hinzugefügt. Bin gespannt was die so alles zu berichten haben!

Browse db4o with Thinlet GUI

Yesterday I read an article about the sourceforge project, called "Thinlet", and decided to implement a small example application.

Thinlet is a GUI toolkit, which parses the hierarchy and properties of a GUI, defined in an XML file. In this way Thinlet seperates representation, which is defined by XML, and business logic, implemented with Java. I think it can't compete against Swing, but it's a nice and easy way to create prototypes.

I implemented a small db4o browser, which enables you to browser a set of example objects. Furthermore you can delete and insert new objects into the database. To create a new file, just open any file ( *.yap) and insert objects. My Example is available through blogtorrent and my download site.



Wednesday, December 8, 2004

Seit kurzem hat nun auch JavaWorld einen RSS feed auf ihrer Seite. Heute hab ich es bemerkt und ihn natürlich sofort zu meiner RSS-News Site hinzugefügt.

Nun gibts bei folgende feeds:
Wenn ich weitere interessant feeds finde, werde ich diese natürlich hinzufügen! Vorschläge sind übrigens immer willkommen!

Gmail Invitation

Ich habe noch einige Gmail invitations zu vergeben! Falls also irgendwer noch keinen Gmail-Account hat, was ich stark bezweifle, poste er bitte hier in die Comments. Achtet darauf, dass ihr eine gültige Email-Adresse hinterlasst!

Tuesday, December 7, 2004

db4o example

To familiarize myself with db4o I created a small example. It doesn't reveal the full potential of db4o, but it highlights the main functions and gives an overview of how db4o works. You can run the example from the command line by passing agruments to the example class. I added a reame file for further information.

I still think db4o is a cute tool, which can be used for prototyping or building small applications. I guess there'd be performance problems, using db4o in big applications, since it's working with files.

My Example is available through blogtorrent and my download site.

Monday, December 6, 2004

Blog Torrent Update gescheitert

Seit einigen Tagen gibts eine neue Version von Blog Torrent. Leider funktioniert diese nicht wirklich so klasse wie ich mir das erhofft hatte. Da ich an der letzten Version einiges gefixt und geschraubt habe, ist ein Update nicht so einfach möglich. Ich hoffe es gibt bald eine richtige stable version, da mir das Tool recht gut gefällt!

Ich musst leider alle Torrents neu hochladen, somit bin ich jetzt wieder einziger Seeder!

Mysql 2 XML

A utility class to generate XML of a mysql table. You have to define the database and table name, furthermore you have to specify the xml tag names to be used for each table column. Support for SQL where clauses is also available. The mysql2xml class requires the PEAR db class.

I have not tested the class myself, but it seems to be an interesting utility class. I packed the mysql2xml class together with the lates PEAR db class and uploaded it to my download site and blogtorrent.

Sunday, December 5, 2004

AOP Example

I used the example, created for my "Dynamic Proxy" post (check out the related links), to implement an example of AOP. I developed a logging mechanism for my example classes, using AOP and the Spring Framework. It's a needless example, since Spring Framework provides a great logging mechanism, still it points out the AOP paradigm.

My Example is available through blogtorrent and my download site.

Aspect-Oriented Programming

The article "An Introduction to Aspect-Oriented Programming with the Spring Framework", gives you a closer look at AOP and highlights the Spring AOP Framwork. AOP, Aspect-Oriented Programming, allows developers to dynamically modify a static object oriented model. This way new requirements can be added without changing the existing model. Check out the related links for an introduction to AOP.

rating comment: Interesting article, with a lot of examples and a background look at the Spring AOP Framework.

Saturday, December 4, 2004

db4o Object Database

db4o is a small object database, which enables easy object persistence. It addresses the problem of object-relational-mapping (impedance mismatch), and has a lot of handy features. A big advantage of db4o is, that there are no changes needed of exisiting classes. I think db4o is an easy way of object persistence which could be useful for prototyping or embedded applications. Since it's not JDO compliant, I don't think it's wise to use it for large applications.

rating comment: The article shows the main features of db4o, highlighted with a lot of snippets of code. What it doesn't address is the technical background of db4o, which I think would be interesting and useful to know.

Thursday, December 2, 2004

Ein Bild des Grauens


ASF Commons Transaction

The Apache Jakarta Project - jakarta commons, recently released version 1.0 of the commons transaction project. The commons transaction project provides a set of utility classes for transactional Java programing. Among others, the jakarta commons transaction component provides a wrapper to make any java.util.Map implementation transactional.

Firefox Anzeige

In der heutigen Ausgabe der FAZ wird mit einer ganzseitigen Anzeige für den Mozilla Browser Firefox geworben. Über 2004 Firefox-Anhänger haben die Initiative unterstützt, um diese Aktion möglich zu machen.

Ich habe die Anzeige mal auf meine Downloadseite geladen, da die deutsche Seite im Moment extrem überlastet ist.

MSN bloggt!

MSN bietet ab heute einen eigenen Blogging Service an. User können nicht nur bloggen, sondern auch Fotos hochladen und Musik-Favoriten anlegen. Alles natürlich stark verknüpft mit MSN Messenger und Hotmail!

Wednesday, December 1, 2004

Dynamic Proxy

Today I familiarized myself with Java's Proxy class, of the java.lang.reflect package, and the dynamic proxy class disposal. To apply my studies to an example, I came up with the idea of implementing a simple Logger. Since the dnyamically create proxy object redirects all method calls to an InvocationHandler, this handler can be used to log all method calls at the proxy object.

My Example is available through blogtorrent and my download site.

Service Oriented Architecture

JavaBoutique publishes a series of articles about Service Oriented Architecture. The first article of the series explaines the concept of Services and outlines the need of SOA in today's rapidly changing business. The second article focus more on the technical aspects of Service Oriented Architecture and its roots the Component Based Development.

rating comment: The first part of the series is very interesting. The second part points out Component Base Development too much.